Thanks to the new job, my visits to Europe has doubled since I was born. That makes it two. Many of my friends were surprised that I didnt post pictures of yours truly saying 'prost!', but dint tell them that "I wannabe, but was cannab'd". However I would have loved to tell them about a new zing that opened somewhere close to my hypothalamus the first time I set foot in Bavaria. It should have been the near absence of fault. Or it should be the civic sense of the inhabitants, it could be the cleanliness or it could be absence of noise and people. But I could not tell them out of fear of being dubbed as the new globe trotter on the block and be subjected to other user experiences. Guess I overcame that fear today. Of late, I've been wondering how long it will take us to have atleast one of the cities like there. The infrastructure was not all. The citizens there seemed to be driven by a completely different set of values which made visitors follow them too and...
Year round, month round, week round, day round and the second starting now, it is crap all around. Dimensions of this element vary on how much you can see it. From attitudes to beliefs, characters to symbols, everything is being done for something else - often it is not said, and more than often, it is a subterfuge.To unravel the mysteries of this element, as I see it, is the intention of this pastime activity. For an extremely cynical ad executive, the blog world has called out. Crapediem!