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Showing posts from 2019

Who is your leader?

Proud of the fact that I managed to stay away from the political discussions on social media so far. Though I have to concede that it was difficult.  I've never been a blind supporter or hater of any political campaigns. Call me old fashioned but I still believe that political practitioners need to be social servants first and elections are a way to empower them to do their bit for the society/ nation. Needless to say, I've lost this battle of beliefs long time back. More dismaying is the fact that politics and religion are now irreversibly entwined. I have seen WhatsApp discussions in my school group turning to "now we know the Hindus will only vote for BJP".  Today my wife had another conversation with a neighbour which started off with "you must be very happy that BJP has won, right?" What troubles me is that my neighbours and friends have now started seeing me as 'them'. While I could see many anti-BJP Hindus, I'm not sure...